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About the OurWorld Travel Abroad Program

Each year over spring break, our students have the opportunity to travel, study, and serve on one of several experiences. These trips offer students the opportunity to learn about life in another culture, develop and use language skills, and participate in community service. Our goal is to offer students the opportunity to show and continue to grow in HPA’s Core Values on these trips: Integrity, Respect, Pursuit of Excellence, and Wonder.


We believe that travel is a multi-layered experience - with students reflecting on questions such as:

What does it mean to be a global citizen?
How do my choices and ideas affect other people and places?
How do my ideas about others-and theirs about me-affect our interactions?
What are the current global issues of today and what is my part in contributing to the betterment of the world?

This blog houses student and faculty insight from these trips, painting a vivid picture of these life-changing experiences. 

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